Sports Hypnosis


Training the sports performer to access their UNCONSCIOUS mind, and tap into their 'Inner Player' that plays free and easily.

The player is put in a relaxed state and then simple HYPNOTIC suggestions are made.

The sports performer can unconsciously re access these suggestions while performing, allowing them to access PEAK PERFORMANCE.

Hypnosis allows the performer to quieten their analytical left brain, allowing the mind to FOCUS and eliminate unwanted distractions.

Sports Hypnosis can be used for a number of outcomes. Some examples include:

"Having only had a couple of sessions with Adrian on his 'Trance Hypnosis' philosophy, I was amazed with the results in such a short space of time. Not only am I getting the ball to the hole at pace, I am holing more. I look forward to working with Adrian in others areas of the game."

Stuart Bloxham
Club Champion - Hearsall Golf Club