A wealth of creative and entrepreneurial experience.
Always a pleasure to work with.
James C, Director, Untitled Design™
'The Mind Works'
Psychometric testing
< Brendan's business card before Shine Design
and after, front and back...
Every company has an image. Every company from ABC Cabs to IBM. But is this image the one they would actually choose?
Corporate image is the impression that we have of a company as customers, employees, investors. It is an accumulation of the organisation's past and present. First impressions are fundamental to how we see the company later on, and are difficult to change. Future encounters add to the mosaic already constructed in our mind, rather than replacing it.
Is a way of influencing image, from the name of the organisation to the colour of the building and how the phone is answered. As designers, we can create and change corporate personality through choice of pictures, colour, typeface and other devices. The logo is the most significant part of the identity, the face of the company.
Fashions change, organisations evolve and logos date. Good design aims to be timeless, although a designer can often tell when a logo was created by looking at it. Identity should be assessed periodically by market research, indicating whether the it is still creating the right impression. Is a subtle change needed, or a new start?
For smaller businesses, the design process should be kept simple, testing it on the opinions of others. Shell and other well known logos started life this way.
For a large company, the final logo is usually the the tip of a corporate identity iceberg, a vast amount of development work created, tested and discarded en route.
Design by committee tends to be disastrous. Too many opinions end up with something bland, or worse, something like the 2012 Olympic logo by Wolff Olins, which cost £400k!! To us this is the worst logo in memory - but just how key was it to raising £400M sponsorship?
If a new identity is a daunting task, it can often be refreshed by redesigning the stationery.
The new ID can be rolled out gradually, enforced by simple guidelines. Without consistency, the identity is ineffective, even damaging.
A new logo and identity doesn't have to cost the earth. Many household names wouldn't exist without painstakingly designed schemes that we as consumers seldom consciously consider.
Sainsbury's is certainly tasting better! It took a three year project to lose the 'J' and brighten the 70's orangy-beige. You may remember 30 years ago, Tesco was the scruffiest shop on the High Street....
If you skimp on the presentation of your company, think how much you spent on your best suit.
Logo design company Warwickshire, Logo design company Kenilworth, Logo design company Leamington, Logo design company Warwick, Logo design company Stratford Upon Avon, Logo design company Coventry, Logo design company North Birmingham, Logo design company East Birmingham, Logo design company South Birmingham, Logo design company West Birmingham, Logo design company North London, Logo design company East London, Logo design company South London, Logo design company West London, Logo design company North Oxfordshire, Logo design company East Oxfordshire, Logo design company South Oxfordshire, Logo design company West Oxfordshire, Logo design company Banbury, Logo design company Buckingham